Monthly General Meetings
General meetings are held monthly at 7:00pm at the Club. The meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month during the months of January – April and September – October. Each meeting features a guest speaker, a light lunch/dinner and door prizes. In November, when we draw for the Gun Raffle, the general meeting is held on the 2nd Thursday. The November meeting is also the time for annual elections of officers and board members.

Youth and Safety Programs
We encourage and support a variety of opportunities to develop young and new outdoor enthusiasts. Annually, we train and graduate over 100 Hunter Safety candidates. Trapper Education is held every spring, and our Free Trap Shoot Tuesdays is a highlight in the month of June. We also support Learn To Hunt programs, the Wisconsin DNR, the NRA, Sportsmen’s Alliance, Lake Alice Association and more. We offer two scholarships each year to graduates of Merrill and Tomahawk, who will be pursuing a conservation related career.